Bella Sposa Bridal offers many services to help make your shopping experience stress free and your wedding day the most memorable and fantastic day of your life! It is our goal to listen carefully to the dreams and needs of each bride help to make those come true. Following are some tips on Managing Stress Dealing with Stress. Remember, you are doing something that many do only once in a lifetime. It is good to be aware that when we enter into unfamiliar territory it can be stressful.
How to Bandish the Bridezilla in you:
Manage wedding stress.
Keep expectations of perfection in line with reality.
Do not try to accomplish more than is personally possible.
Don’t let the event consume you.
Set realistic goals.
Stay Organized: Organization is your friend.
Designate a wedding day contact.
Try to keep expectations in line with your resources: Finances, Time, Support.
This is your wedding: Stay within your comfort zone.
Create a “mission statement” and share it with all concerned.
Do not try to do it all: wearing too many hats will overwhelm you.
Keep your rehearsal dinner simple.
Get help from respected and experienced professionals.
Get plenty of rest.
Be sure to have something to eat.
Don’t forget to breath.
Know that the last two to three weeks before the wedding can be some of the most stressful days of your life. With deadlines, demands and commitments burgeoning upon you: you may well feel that you are carrying the weight of the world if you don’t develop methods of Managing Stress Dealing with Stress.
Before you walk down the aisle say to yourself: “No matter what happens I am going to have fun. I’ve worked hard for it. I have earned it. Nobody is going to deprive me of it.” Take a deep breath and enjoy the fruits of your labors.
Remember perfection is sometimes impossible to obtain. Remember that things will go wrong. When they do try to laugh about it and know that later those will be the entertaining things as tragic as it might feel at the moment.
For help with planning your wedding call Bella Sposa Bridal